Saturday, July 4, 2009


So this week has been really busy! We had Boomerang Express VBS at one church from 9-12. Then we had Club VBS at another church from 1-3. Then we had youth VBS at the first church from 6-9. It was insane, but soooo much fun! We've learned new games and met so many new people.
Tonight, the third, we went to the park and watched the fireworks. Not real sure why Pahrump celebrates the 4th of July on the 3rd, but oh was fun!
Next week all 6 of us are going to be staying in one house...the same house us girls have been in this week. The family is great. They cut up with us and everything. So, we'll be staying in Pahrump again, but working with a different church. Guess what we're doing? Boomerang Express...yay...:/ haha. I'm sure it'll be great. At night us 6 are splitting up and 3 of us are going back to the church to do youth and the other 3 will be going to a Spanish church. No, I'm not going to Spanish church. My Spanish consists of putting an "o" on the end of words. The door-o. Can I have a drink-o? See, not that good at it...
It's been a month since I've seen my house and my family. It's been hard at times, but for the most part, I'm doing fine. I can't wait to see everyone again in another month though. I have mixed emotions about our time. In one case it's like Dang, I've been out here for a whole month! But in another case, it's like Dang, it's only been a month. I want it to end, but then again, I don't. It's going to be hard to leave here and leave my team.
Happy Fourth of July! So thankful to be living in a country that I can freely and openly worship my God. So proud of all the men and women who risk their lives for my freedom. Praise God for them!
Love yall!!


  1. Happy 4th, Claire!! Love "hearing" the excitement in your words!! Have fun and see you before you know it...or want to!! :)

  2. yay! I can't wait to be reunited with you! haha Love and miss you!

  3. Love you girl! So happy that you are having a great time! I know exactly how you feel too girl! Miss you! Can't wait to hang out!
