Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Home again, home again, jiggity jig.

I am so embarassed by how little I have written in this blog.

Well, to recap the summer...it was hard, intense, amazing, the best experience of my life. My 5 other teammates and now my brothers and sisters and I miss them dearly. We laughed, we cried, we argued, we worked things out. We got so close, it's not even funny. God taught me SO much in such a short amount of time. My eyes have been opened to many new things. Who knows what He has in store for me next summer.......to be continued I guess.

I've heard it from other missionaries that it was really hard to come home, but I didn't know for sure how it was going to be. For one it was hard to leave Nevada, but I was so excited to get home and see my family. The next few days after my return, all I wanted to do was be back in the desert. It's a strange feeling. I felt like I was so useless at home. And let me tell you, the devil was at work in me. I kept getting down on myself because of other people and would mope to others. I didn't like, still don't. But I'm keeping busy and as one friend tells me, "You're about to be lost in a sea of 18,000 new people. Be excited. You're going to make so many new friends it will be insane." So I'm keeping that in mind, and I get excited again, and also pretty scared!

As I write this, I am sitting in my room in my apartment. This has been so much fun. Moving in, decorating, and being "grown up". Classes start Monday, kinda nervous about that, but I'm sure all will go well.

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