Sunday, August 28, 2011


Wow, it has been a while since my last update.
Let's see...
  • At Nehemiah Teams debrief, I got baptized. It was an amazing experience and an amazing way that led up to that point. It was all God. Ask me about it, I will love to tell you the whole story!
  • I went to Birmingham, AL to be a bridesmaid in my good friend's wedding. Kristen Mathews is now Kristen Finney. It was a wonderful wedding and we had a great time. It's so weird having my friends getting engaged/married. I can't believe we're that old now! Ashley McGee will be next on November 19th, she'll be Ashley Hendrix! Oh me!!
  • We had BASIC Training at the BSU the two days before school started. I have 13 "children". They're a really great group and I'm excited to see what is going to happen in us and through us this semester.
  • School has started. I go to Louisville everyday and teach reading to 7th and 8th graders. Thursday and Friday I taught 6th and 7th period. The principal, which is also my supervisor, came and watched me. He said I did good! That's encouraging. Starting tomorrow, I'll have all the students all day. I'm nervous! And of course, being in a middle school all day, every day, I have obtained "the crud". So I'm hoping that it will go away soon! Today, I taught all 7 periods. It went well! It definitely makes the day go by faster. Haha!

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you missy! I know those kids LOVE you! Can't wait to catch up!
