Sunday, June 14, 2009


Well, we finished the VBS with the refugees. It was really hard to say goodbye to them. But I know that we planted the seeds that the association will help grow in them.
We got to Pioche, NV Thursday. Talk about a rural town. It took us at least 4 hours to get here from Vegas. It's only about 30 minutes from Utah though. I mean, this town makes Aberdeen look like Tupelo!
It's just us girls here and they've separated us. We're each staying with a different family. I'm staying with a couple that has 4 kids. The oldest one is in college, so she won't be there. Our house is in Caliente which is about 30 minutes from Pioche.
We start Monday doing VBS at Berean Baptist Church. I'm excited to get that started. Since Thursday we've really just been hanging out, doing a little sightseeing. We went to a big gorge Friday. Yesterday we decorated the church for VBS. Today we went to church and some of the ladies took me and Mamie to see some charcoal ovens. It's hard to explain, but they were huge! I have pictures I'll post later.
Well, we're about to eat supper. So I'll post again later. Love you!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Claireeeeeee

    I miss you! So glad that you are having a great summer. I went to a Radon Mine the other day that supposedly cures people from diseases! :)
