Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Where You go, I'll go.
Where You stay, I'll stay.
When You move, I'll move.
I will follow You.

Well, I'm coming home. It has been a very emotional past week. I did get to come with my team to Davao for our mid-summer break. We got to hang out with another orphanage team. So I was able to chill, relax, see some sights, and make more memories with my sisters. However, today my team went back to Malaybalay and I stayed here. I'm still coping with this whole situation. I've learned a lot just in the past week. The lyrics above have been playing in my head for a few days now. I have to be obedient and follow Him; even if He's going to Aberdeen.
I was obedient in the fact of following His call on my life to come halfway around the world to the Philippines. However, He never gave me a time frame. He never told me I'd be here for 2 months. I just assumed that. I guess 1 month was all that He needed me to do here. It was hard saying goodbye to the kids and it was just as hard saying goodbye to my teammates/sisters. I feel as though there was so much more that I needed to learn about them. It's okay, though. We all live fairly close to each other and can visit. I know my parents are ready for me to come home. I'm sure it's been just as hard if not harder on them than anyone else.
I ask that you continue to pray for me, my team, and my other brothers and sisters that are still serving the Lord. Who knows what He has planned for me back at home?! No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind can conceive what God has planned for those who love Him. - 1 Corinthians 2:9. You can't out-dream God. He is sovereign.
Love you all very much. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!


  1. Clair, I'm so sorry to hear about all that happened on your mission. Though, I know it's tough, your faithfulness in God's plan for your summer/life is encouraging. I have no doubt that He's putting you exactly where He needs you and that your time in the Philippines was glorifying to His kingdom, however short it may have seemed. Miss you, Claire. I'll be praying for you, for sure.

  2. Praying for you sweet girl. Obedience is hard and it is really hard when we see such a small spec of the big picture. Your willingness to go and your submission to return will not go unnoticed by our heavenly father.

  3. You did your job over there! Now come home and lift him up! Keeping you in my thoughts, claire! You keep that head up! :) (said in my best mother's voice) :)

  4. I'm SO glad you are home. Getting sick in another country is not fun. We mothers can't get to our babies so far away. I've stalked many, many blogs this summer to glean every SINGLE bit of team information I could. Truly, I was saddened to read your "Home" update. So, I pray you are better and doing just what God has called you back to Dawg land to do.
