Monday, November 12, 2012

Mabry is engaged!

This past weekend I secretly went to Starkville. One of my best friends, Mabry Nelson, got engaged. She had NO idea! Her fiance, Jonathan, contacted a lot of her friends. She thought she was going to a small, no-name, concert. Well, her brothers were singing when she came in and all of us were sitting there waiting on her!

Me, Kat, and Derek. We were all in the Philippines together. Kat drove from Louisiana for Mabry. That was very exciting to her!

They FINALLY arrived! Mabry was definitely stunned. 

Yes, tears were shed. 

After singing Adam Sandler's "I Wanna Grow Old With You", Jonathan got down on one knee and proposed. 

She said YES!

Mabry and I! Love her very much!

It was wonderful spending time with these ladies. 

All the Starkville peeps!

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